I was born on July 6, 1999 in the city of Granada, Spain. When I was three, my brother was given a PlayStation, and since then I became interested in the world of video games. Soon after, I would show my passion for Japan and comics, and in high school I would end up cultivating my love for cinema thanks to my brother. From then on, I would do all kinds of film and video game work on my own until I specialized thanks to my university studies, for which I had to move to Castellón, Spain.
Finalist in the 'Best Short Film' category for OASIS
Second position for the videogame IRIDESCENT
Everything I have lived through has made me the person I am today, and nothing makes me feel better than sharing my teachings with others.
Worked with C, Python, Kotlin, SQL, OpenGL, GLSL, Java, PHP, Phaser and assembly.
Worked with VEGAS Pro, Logic Pro, Blender, Motionbuilder, 3DS Max, ZBrush, Substance, Reaper and FL Studio.
Although I consider myself a great self-taught person, my basic training includes primary, secondary and universitary studies.
September 2018 - July 2022
Castellón de la Plana, Spain
First-class honors in the subjects of Visual Culture and Mass Media, Hypermedia Narrative and Video Game Analysis, Computer Graphics, Conceptual Design of Video Games, Applications for Mobile Devices, Theory and Practice of Audiovisual Production, Production Techniques and Sound Realization. Final Degree Project on "The video game as a video clip: an approach to cinematographic language from the video game universe".
September 2015 - July 2017
Granada, Spain
First-class honors in the subjects of Psychology, Plastic Arts, Language Arts, and Philosophy. Member of the robotics and theater clubs.
Despite aware of my capabilities and time constraints, I love to visit and experience other worlds, especially if they belong to fields related to my own.
Since before finishing my degree I have had the opportunity to work for important companies in Spain such as Herobeat Studios and the legendary Pendulo Studios.
As a restless mind, in my free time I love to explore my limits and see what I am capable of in platforms and formats that are outside of my professional responsibilities.
Movies, short films, music videos. What began as a love for cinema and photography has ended up becoming one of my professional aspirations, and one of my most fulfilling hobbies on a personal level.
I've been writing my whole life, although at the age of 14 I decided to start my journey as a video game journalist as a hobby. To this day, I write for different websites and magazines, and I have founded my own transmedia platform.
As both a filmmaker and a developer, I have always enjoyed the whole creative process. However, when it comes to working in a team I think of the following skills as some of my main strengths.
When I discovered programming I was immediately attracted to it and everything it was able to create. Since then I have tried to specialize in both front-end web design and OOP, although it has always been interesting for me to handle new algorithms and languages.
I have always been very organized, communicative and decisive. I guess that's what has made me very good at organizational tasks, both in large and small teams (although the help of a good software is always appreciated 🤓).
As my portfolio shows, writing and creating stories is one of my life's passions. However, thinking about how these stories are conveyed outside of the script, such as through photography or game mechanics, is what I really find challenging... and also very satisfying.
The first time I opened Photoshop I was ten. Years later, I would get my first office job as a graphic designer while trying to save for college. Almost unconsciously, I have spent my whole life studying form and composition, having cultivated my visual taste in the process.
Having consumed all kinds of art during my adolescence has allowed me to develop a high artistic sensitivity and a very varied profile, full of cinematographic resources and references ranging from painting to the world of music videos.
Due to various circumstances I have been in charge of the communication of each and every one of my personal projects. This has worked symbiotically with my love for audiovisuals, which has allowed me to give my publications an entity of their own.
Ask me a question, tell me a joke or even hire me through the following form.
I tend to be very attentive to email!